City of Chicago Richard M. Daley, Mayor
Department of Planning and Development
Arnold L. Randall Commissioner
City Hall, Room 1000 121 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602
312 744-4190 312 744-2271 (FAX) 312 744-2578 (TTY)
October 18, 2007
Richard Ward
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
Dear Mr. Ward:
On behalf of the Department of Planning and Development, I am responding to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated October 7, 2007.
The Department of Planning and Development has been unable to located any documents responsive to your request. To the extent that you construe this letter to be a denial of your request, you may file a written appeal with Jennifer Hoyle, Director of Public Affairs, Department of Law, at the following address:
City Hall, Room 600 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 Fax:(312)744-5185
Tony Binns
Department of Planning and Development
Freedom of Information Officer
From: Richard Ward (
Sent:Sun 10/07/07 11:17 PM
To: (
Cc: Benet Haller (
Several years ago I requested any documents that generally or specifically discussed the reasoning for City of Chicago Department of Planning recommending to shift the responsibility for funding the Pedway extension outside of Sub Area E in PD #70 from the developer since 1969 to the existing owners after 2001. Your response to my FOIA request was that no documents existed that discussed that financial responsibility shift in the 2001 Amendment, drafted by the developer Lakeshore East.
Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, I request a renewed search for those missing or deleted documents, or a confirmation that no documents ever existed describing, or even mentioning, the shift of an estimated $11 million responsibility from Lakeshore East to the condominium associations of 400 Randolph, 155 Harbor and 195 Harbor. The primary contact person responsible for the PD #70 2001 (and non-disclosed) 2002 Amendments was Benet Haller. The Pedway extension was reapproved by the City Council, but the financial responsibility was shifted from Lakeshore East to "by others" in the 91-page 2001 Amendment. There appears to be no other reference, and we are now facing that troubling expense to complete the "approved" extension.
Thank you
Richard F. Ward, President, NEAR
FAX & PH 312-938-0884
155 Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601