Between the 2000 Census and 2010 Census, the New Eastside (plus areas west of Michigan to State St. and down to Madison) have changed very little: Whites DOWN from 71.2% to 64.2%, Blacks DOWN from 10.9% to 7.0%, Asian UP from 10.4% to 19.0%, and Hispanic UP from 5.5% to 6.7%.
From Sun Times November 10, 2011:
The City Council is currently comprised of 22 whites, 19 blacks, eight Hispanics and Ald. Ameya Pawar (47th), the first-ever aldermen of Indian descent.
The City Council’s Black Caucus has unveiled a proposed new ward map that includes 19 majority black wards — forfeiting only the 2nd Ward already represented by a white alderman — despite a 181,453-person drop in Chicago’s black population.
Ald. Howard Brookins (21st), chairman of the Black Caucus, confirmed that the two groups have agreed on a “set of principles” that would preserve 19 majority black wards and carve out 14 majority Hispanic wards.
“We’re in substantial agreement about the numbers and that there’s a possibility of it being done. Where we could potentially get into trouble is politically. That is, how does it affect the other wards and will we be able to get 40 aldermen to sign on to that?” Brookins said.
While Chicago lost 181,453 black residents and nearly 52,499 whites over the last decade, the city’s Hispanic population grew by 25,218. The City Council is working against a Dec. 1 deadline to redraw ward boundaries to coincide with the U.S. Census.
The new map needs 41 out of 50 votes to avoid a referendum. If at least ten aldermen unite behind an alternate map, Chicago voters would choose between the two versions when they go to the polls next March.
Background Information for New Chicago Ward Maps Based on the 2010 Census

PROPOSED 42nd WARD...December 15, 2011
Bounded by a line described as follows: beginning at the place where W Jackson Blvd meets E Jackson Blvd; thence easterly along said Boulevard to Alley; thence Northerly along said Alley to E Monroe St; thence westerly along said Street to S State St; thence northerly along said Street to N State St ;thence northerly along said Street to E Benton PI; thence easterly along said Place to N Michigan Ave; thence northerly to E Lake t; thence easterly along said Street to N Stetson Ave; thence Northerly to S Water St; thence easterly along said Street to Columbus; thence Northerly along said Drive to Sub Lower Wacker Dr; thence easterly along said Drive to Wacker Dr; thence easterly along said Drive to N Field Blvd; thence southerly along said Boulevard to Illinois Central thence easterly along said Railroad to Sub Lower Wacker Dr; thence easterly along said Drive to N Lake Shore Dr; thence southerly along said Drive to US Hwy 41; thence southerly along said Local Neighborhood Road, Rural Road, City Street to Non-visible Linear Legal/Statistical Boundary ; thence westerly along said Non-visible Linear Legal/Statistical Boundary to Point-to-Point Line; thence westerly along said Point-to-Point Line to Non-visible Linear Legal/Statistical Boundary; thence westerly along said Non-visible Linear Legal/Statistical Boundary to Boundary; thence southerly to N Field Blvd; thence southerly along said Boulevard to Boundary; thence southerly to N Field Blvd; thence southerly along said Boulevard to E Randolph Dr; thence westerly along said Drive to N Columbus Dr; thence southerly along said Drive to S Columbus Dr; thence southerly along said Drive to E Balbo Ave; thence easterly to Perennial Shoreline; thence northerly along said Perennial Shoreline to Boundary; thence easterly to Boundary; thence northerly to Boundary; thence westerly to Perennial Shoreline; thence easterly along said Perennial Shoreline to Perennial Shoreline; thence northerly along said Perennial Shoreline to Perennial Shoreline; thence westerly along said Perennial Shoreline to Perennial Shoreline; thence easterly along said Perennial Shoreline to Perennial Shoreline; thence easterly along said Perennial Shoreline to Perennial Shoreline; thence northerly along said Perennial Shoreline to Perennial Shoreline; thence easterly along said Perennial Shoreline to Boundary; thence westerly to E Banks St; thence westerly along said Street to N State Pkwy; thence southerly along said Parkway to W Goethe St; thence westerly along said Street to N Dearborn Pkwy; thence southerly along said Parkway to W Division St; thence westerly along said Street to N Clark St; thence southerly along said Street to W Elm St; thence westerly along said Street to N la Salle Dr; thence southerly along said Drive to W Oak St; thence westerly along said Street to N Wells St; thence southerly along said Street to W Chicago Ave; thence westerly to Chicago Ave; thence westerly to W Chicago Ave; thence westerly to N Orleans St; thence southerly along said Street to Grand Ave; thence easterly to LaSalle St; thence southerly along said Street to W Carroll Advertence easterly to N Dearborn Pkwy; thence northerly along said Parkway to Boundary; thence easterly to N State St; thence southerly along said Street to Chicago River; thence westerly along said River to LaSalle St; thence southerly along said Street to W Lower Wicker Dr; thence westerly along said Drive to N Wells St; thence southerly along said Street to S Wells St; thence southerly along said Street to W Jackson Blvd; thence easterly along said Boulevard to the point of beginning.
Gerrymandering with confusion - the new style of transparency.
It has been impossible to follow the destiny of our New Eastside neighborhood, because all of the discussions have been taking place behind closed doors. Now it remains impossible to determine what has been decided for our community.
Using references like "Local Neighborhood Road, Rural Road, City Street" demonstrates the "casual approach" being applied to conforming to the federal law. It would be courteous if our streets were identified by their names.
Please share your comments ...
Latino Caucus Map...as of December, 2011
Better Chicago Map...as of December, 2011
New Eastside represented by BOTH Ald. Reilly and Ald. Fioretti
New Eastside represented by ONLY Ald. Fioretti
The Mell "Better Chicago" map is on p.70 of the proposed ordinance at
The "Latino caucus" map is on p. 4 of of the proposed ordinance at
Both ordinances contain population statistics but the maps aren't detailed at street level.
Edward McLelland over at NBC had a designer convert the legal descriptions into more detailed maps (CROPPED by New Eastside ABOVE), downloadable, respectively, at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2750818/WardMap_1.jpg and http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2750818/WardMap_2.jpg
Read more: http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20111231/ISSUE05/312319966/one-person-one-vote-not-in-chicagos-new-ward-remap#ixzz1iPkFrC1Z
Ald. Robert Fioretti
New Eastside to remain intact in 42nd Ward with Alderman Reilly
<----Correction: Our area is the "New Eastside", not the "Near Eastside".
NEAR is our community organization: New Eastside Association of Residents
<----The new 2nd Ward was completely relocated to include parts of the old 42nd Ward, including this north half of Streeterville (SOAR).
New smaller 42nd Ward to reflect the one-third that had to be removed to equalize the population in all 50 Wards.
January, 2012
Below is a wider view of the odd-shapped Wards around the 42nd Ward to keep as many aldermen in their Wards as possible, and still balance the population, and achieve a reasonable ethnic balance .
This older information will remain on this webpage according to this website's general policy of keeping previously published information available as a background lesson on how difficult it can be to predict the outcome of an issue without more transparency and communication from the governmental body or the media.
The New 2nd Ward is a perfect example of a completely new Ward location that does NOT meet the criteria of being "compact". Actually most of the Wards are not "compact". Our 42nd Ward is fortunate.