When Jones moves into a new, larger building in 2013, it will continue the selective admissions high school program as before, with the same student body size, about 900 students. Over the next four years, the school will expand to 1200 students. The additional students will enter via a new program which offers career preparation with two options: pre-engineering and pre-law. The new programs will be selective - grades and ISAT scores will be considered for admission. Seats in the new career program will be offered on a neighborhood preference basis, so qualified (based on grades and test scores) students who live within the neighborhood overlay boundary get first priority for admission.
Students in the new programs take the same college preparation courses as other students at Jones. The groups will not be separated. Career program students take one class in their career area each term. Other students at Jones also have access to those classes as electives. (The career prep classes have not been fully defined yet.)
Jones will have 75 seats for incoming freshman in the career programs for the 2013-2014 school year. Applications for the program will be open until January 15, 2013. Students who apply to the selective enrollment program (the existing admission route for Jones) may also apply through the new career program. Students may apply to both the engineering and law programs.

NEW Jones H.S. options: Pre-Engineering and Pre-Law (starting 2013-14)
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