2 Children's Museum Graphics that have been hidden from public review. (Discovered on Fox News video)
Please excuse the poor quality of these "screen shots" from an online Fox News video clip.
However, these graphics reveal that the volume of the structure is impossible to bury completely underground because it is 14 times larger than the existing LEGAL Daley Fieldhouse.

The Children's Museum has "hired Public Relations handlers" that are creating apparent support. However it is beginning to back-fire as more people in Chicago realize that there has never been a successful land-grab of this protected lakefront park in the history of Chicago, whenever it has been challenged in court. The apparent exceptions are actualy not exceptions, because: 1) the Art Institute was never challenged by Montgomery Ward in 1891, and 2) The Pritzker/Harris building challenge in 1999 was never decided based on the 1836 and 1839 dedication restrictive covenants or the 4 Illinois Supreme Court Decisions. The Boaz complaint form 99-L-003804 is mysteriously missing from the court records (possibly a Class 4 Felony) and is also missing in the park district files and the Chicago Law Dept. files, based on separate Illinois Freedom of Information requests. This is important related information, because the Children's Museum is now referring to the Harris/Pritzker building in their zoning change application to the Chicago City Council.
The Chicago Plan Commission will be required to accept ALL testimony at the scheduled public hearing on Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 1pm in the City Council chambers. Please plan to attend and share your opinions with the persons that will recommend to the 50 aldermen to either uphold or violate historical and legal precedents.
This page was last updated: April 15, 2008
Any pictures or text on this entire website www.NewEastside.ORG may be copied and used for any non-commercial purpose.
Please share your opinion.
<------If these are 6-foot persons.
<-------Then this is an illegal 35-foot building.
That must be the reason the Children's Museum promoters are still not revealing these graphics.
Is there any question that this is an above ground "building" and an illegal "obstruction" as referred to in the 1836 and 1839 "dedication restrictive covenants" confirmed by 4 Illinois Supreme Court decisions?
Lake Michigan
Monroe Harbor
If the view of Lake Michigan is "obstucted" for these Grant Park visitors, then the "building" is not allowed.-------------->
Certainly "obstructed" and "illegal"for these visitors----->
This is an illegal 20-foot Main Entrance building
This is the shadow of the illegal 20-foot Main Entrance building.